What is the “Love Me” Collection?

A few years ago, I discovered a true love for writing. I’ve always enjoyed reading, devouring books by the dozens. Romance has always held a special place in my heart, giving me a special escape into the world of the heroine (or hero, as is sometimes the case). What could be better than snuggling down and disappearing into a rich, fictional, alternate universe?

Inspired by the romance novels around me, I began writing my own stories. I never considered showing them to anyone, much less publishing them. Sending these out into the wide world seemed an onerous task, and I wasn’t sure that anybody would want to read them, anyway.

Fast forward to 2021, a year when readers need and deserve a fresh take on the steamy romance novel …

I’ve dusted off some of these stories, and have spent considerable time polishing them and preparing them for their public debut. My aim is to give you something new, something that resonates, yet gives you, the reader, some naughty, steamy scenes. Novels designed for the adult reader who wants both the romance and the heat.

Enter the “Love Me” Collection. A collection, because calling these stand-alone novels a series seems misleading. Each novel is only connected by what you will find inside—a full-length steamy read, open door scenes—in short a romantic slice of life. And of course, the most important part of any romance novel … the happily-ever-after … or at least happy for now!

No cliffhangers, no next book to buy to get the full story, and you will be able to read them in any order.

My debut novel in the series, Love Me, Ella, is available for pre-order on select retailers, such as Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Apple Books, Smashwords, and is coming soon as a pre-order on Eden Books. Expected release date is March 31, 2021.

Please contact me here if you have any questions or comments.

Until next time, happy reading.
